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 Actions you can take
to make our air cleaner

1.  Get interested in alternative energy sources. 
Many air pollutants result from the burning of fossil fuels and this is where much of our energy comes from. You can help by learning about alternative energy sources such as solar, hydro (water) or wind energy and making other aware of their importance in the fight against air pollution. Another good idea is to reduce the amount of energy you use around your home by switching off lights or consider getting a solar hot water heater.
2.  Ride your bike. 
Cycling produces no air pollution and, if you stick to properly surfaced tracks, it causes no damage to the environment at all! If you ride your bike instead of taking a car, you reduce the number of cars on the road and therefore help to reduce air pollution. If you live within 5 to 7 kilometres of your destination, it may even get you there faster! 
You can also hepl spread the message about why bikes are better by becoming involved in Critical Mass, an event that occurs once a month in most major cities. See for more information. 
3.  Use public transport. 
Sometimes you need to go further than you amy be willing to ride a bike. Another option is to use public transport, it still causes some pollution but one full bus can equate to up to 45 cars not on the road. These measures can also reduce traffic congestion so those cars still being used, are taking less time and buring less fossil fuel
4.  Use and choose your car carefully. 
Keep it tuned up. You will reduce air pollution, and your car will run better and use less gas, saving you money. 
Car pool. Organise friends or work mates to take turns driving. You will cut down on pollution, and save time and money. 
Buy a low-emission car.  You will reduce emissions of nitrogen oxides, and hydrocarbons, the two pollutants that react to form ground-level ozone.
    5.  Avoid using sprays with CFCs as propellants. 
    Try to find alternatives such as pump action sprays or not using sprays at all. CFCs have now been banned in most countries but some old cans may still contain them. If you find some of these, dispose of them carefully, follwing instructions on the can.
    6.  Dont burn rubbish. 
    Not only is burning off rubbish illegal in most shire districts, it adds to smog and the greenhouse effect. Rather than buring leaf litter, compost it and use it on your garden. Any paper or plastic waste should be recycled if possible or put into the garbage.

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